Pavitra Rishta fame Ankita Lokhande rang in her birthday last night with a tiny bash at a housing hotspot. The actress who will be next seen debuting in as Jhalkaribai in Manikarnika-The Queen of Jhansi looked gorgeous in a shimmering red outfit. Her partly outfit looked like a maxi dress. Hshe accentuate her look with nude heels and minimum makeup in which she looked joyful.
Manikarnika is her Bollywood debut where she will play the part of the valiant Jhalkaribai who becomes the closest aide of Rani Laxmibai and saves her life with her sacrifice. Worth mentions here at one of the wars, she steps in dressed as the valor Queen and gets killed by the British troops.
Mukesh Chhabra, Mouni Roy, Prince Narula - Yuvika Chaudhary, Arjun Bijlani - Neha Swami and others, were present when She cut a few cakes including one that had a pic of her as Jhalkaribai. Kangana Ranaut who caught the attention and showered kisses on Ankita and both the women have bonded quite well during the making of periodic drama.
Check out the awesome pictures here...