Protest in America over death of George Floyd, violence erupted in many areas
Protest in America over death of George Floyd, violence erupted in many areas

Washington: The National Guard has been deployed in several areas in the midst of violent protests following the death of black American George Floyd in the US state of Minneapolis. The Governor of Georgia has declared a state of emergency on Saturday. An additional 500 National Guard troops have been deployed in Minneapolis and surrounding cities. The move comes after a man was shot in Detroit, a police vehicle attack in Atlanta, and a skirmish with the New York police and violence erupted in other US cities.

Governor Brian Kemp tweeted that 500 members of the National Guard would be deployed immediately to 'protect lives and property in Atlanta'. He said that he is taking this step at the request of the Mayor of Atlanta. Earlier, the governor admitted that he did not have sufficient security personnel to prevent the chaos. Therefore, this unrest spread to other cities as well. Walge said, 'We do not have a sufficient number of (security personnel). We cannot arrest people to control the situation.

Walge said he is moving fast to mobilize more than 1,000 guard members to consider a total of 1,700 security personnel and is considering a possible offer by the federal military police. However, even this number is not considered sufficient.

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