Quick recipe for French Fries Lovers
Quick recipe for French Fries Lovers
One of the most popular foods these days is French Fries. French Fries is also called chips, finger chips, fries, or French Pommes Frites, side dish, or snack typically made from deep-fried Potatoes that have been cut into various shapes, especially thin strips. Fries are often salted and served with other items, including Ketchup and Chatnis. In addition, they can be topped with more substantial fare, such as chili. We all love French fries but we can’t get enough of it in restaurants even after paying a reasonable amount. Not to worry here is an interesting recipe for all French Fries lovers with only three ingredients.
 250 gms potatoes (sliced), peeled
1 tbsp salt
Oil (for deep frying)
Pour around 4 cups of water, enough to cover the potatoes, sprinkle with salt and boil.
Slice the potatoes to a width of your choice. You can either opt for fat french fries or thin ones.
When the water comes to boil, plonk the potatoes and switch off the gas. Now, leave the potatoes for 5 to 6 minutes.
Drain the water and put the potatoes on a tissue or dry cloth. Let them dry or if you're in a hurry dab it with a tissue to dry off the water.
Heat the oil till you can see small bubbles on the side. Now add the potatoes, one by one. Make sure the potatoes have enough space and aren't stacked on top of each other.
Lower the heat to medium and fry till almost cooked but not brown.
Lift the potatoes out of the oil and let the rest of it drain.
Your French fries is ready to it.
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