Rajasthan becomes hub of drug dealers, trafficking being done indiscriminately
Rajasthan becomes hub of drug dealers, trafficking being done indiscriminately

Jaipur: Rajasthan has now become a hub of intoxication for drug traffickers. Due to this, drug dealers are constantly supplying consignment to other states. All the drug traffickers went underground due to the lockdown, but as soon as the lockdown was lifted. All smugglers have become active again. The shocking thing is that these drug smugglers have made Rajasthan the main destination.

A campaign was launched by Jaipur Police Commissioner to demolish the business of drug smugglers in the city, named Operation Clean Sweep.  Within 3 months, more than 350 drug smugglers were send to jail.

The big drug dealers started to panic after coming to Jaipur, but the Corona period started again. Where the police got involved in the task of protecting people from Corona, following the rules. After the lockdown, even in Jaipur, police started loosening and smugglers started taking advantage of this again and the drug racket started flourishing once again in Jaipur.

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