Padmaavat actor Ranveer Singh currently busy for the movie Gully Boy since February month. Though the actor already gave a huge hit 'Padmaavat' having the lead roles of Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor. Recently the actor was spotted at the airport and he chose to wear a colorful attire. He was his usual jovial self and even greeted his fans.
Ranveer is known for his quirky fashion sense. In an interview with GQ India for their April issue, Singh told how he couldn't afford fashionable clothes and would wear second-hand clothing. He said that When I was studying in Indiana, I couldn’t afford a lot of fashionable clothes, and wore a lot of hand-me-downs.
At any given point I’d have a pair of all-white Ice Cream sneakers, which I’d very religiously wipe with Clorox to get the stains out. But I never fell in line, even in college. I always had a unique sense of style. These really rich kids from Delhi used to wear Gucci trench coats and Louis Vuitton boat shoes to class, while the Americans wore blue jeans and black zip-up North Face jackets, or Abercrombie & Fitch from head-to-toe. I actually used to buy a lot of stuff in Goan flea markets which, in an American college context, was really eye-catching.
Along with Gully Boy, the actor is also busy in the preparations of Simmba opposite Sara Ali Khan.