Know how corona suspects are examined using Rapid test kit
Know how corona suspects are examined using Rapid test kit

Between the lockdown and the corona crisis, Rajasthan's rapid test kit has increased the difficulty of the Corona test results not coming right. A few days ago these kits were sent to Rajasthan, but they were returned by the state government saying that the results are not coming right from it. After this, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has currently banned the testing of this kit. Now ICMR scientists will go to the field for two days to test the kit. After this, the government will take a final decision regarding their use. Given the increasing cases of coronavirus in India, the importance of these rapid kits is quite high.

How is the investigation done

The sample is taken from the suspect, This sample can be in the form of blood, plasma or serum. A fixed amount of sample is put on the space indicated in the rapid test kit.

Now three drops of a chemical are put on the blood sample in the test kit.

Exactly after ten minutes, the results are revealed in the test kit.

This is how the test results are revealed

If only one pink line rises on the rapid test kit, it means that the person is negative.

If C and M pink streaks emerge on the kit, the patient is positive with IgM antibodies.

If C and G pink streaks emerge on the kit then the patient is positive with IGT antibodies.

If both G and M pink streaks emerge on the kit then the individual is positive with IgG and IgM antibodies.

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