Salman Khan's verdict on black deer hunting case is going to announce shortly. The CJM court decided to declare the verdict on alleged actors on April 5. This announcement is declared by the Jodhpur Chief Judicial Magistrate Court on Wednesday under Jodhpur District Presiding Officer Devkumar Khatr. Salman, along with Saif Ali Khan, Neelam, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Dushyant Singh is all accused in the case
The black deer hunting case occurred during the shooting of Sooraj Barjatya’s movie, ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ in 1999, Salman allegedly went on a shooting expedition along with Saif, Neelam, Bendre, and Tabu, killing two blackbucks in Kankani village in Rajasthan.
The CJM had fixed the date for the decision in this matter after the completion of the legal debate by state advocate Bhavani Singh Bhati’s on Wednesday. Salman Khan appeared in the court during final arguments in a case against him for the alleged poaching of two blackbucks in village Kankani on October 2, 1998. According to Khan’s counsel H M Saraswat, the accused has to remain present in the court during final arguments and they had been seeking an exemption for the actor till now.
As Per reports
After the completion of the prosecution’s arguments on October 23, we began our arguments on October 28 last year and completed on February 4.
Final arguments in the case began on September 13 last year with the prosecution counsel citing the statements of the eyewitnesses of the case. Salman was acquitted in two poaching cases by the high court and in a case under Arms Act by the lower court.