Scrumptious recipe to make Baked Potato Pie
Scrumptious recipe to make Baked Potato Pie

Delicious pies are warm, comforting and wholesome. They are so unique in taste and are also very healthy and nutritious.

These are easy to make and can be eaten at any hour of the day. One such dish is savoury pie, Baked Potato Pie. This pie consists of vegetables like potatoes, onions, bell peppers, carrots and french beans and is therefore extremely light on the stomach and very healthy. Know the recipe for this dish to try once:

Step 1: Boil 4 potatoes in water along with some salt and drain them once they become tender and soft. 

Step 2: Mash them and keep it aside for it to cool down. Till then in a pan, add a pinch of chopped garlic, grated ginger and some finely chopped onions in olive oil and saute for 2 minutes.

Step 3: To this, add salt and pepper along with the chopped beans and carrots. Turn off the flame and keep it aside.

Step 4: Prepare the white sauce, for that you need to mix 1 cup milk with some wheat flour to achieve a thick sauce-like consistency and season it with some salt and pepper.

Step 5: Grease the baking tray with some butter and put the vegetables and the potatoes in it. Pour the white sauce on top and bake it for 10-12 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees C.

Step 6: Poke the pie after taking it out to check if it’s cooked all the way through. Once cooked, garnish it with some grated cheese and paprika. 

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