Srinagar: After the launch of Amarnath Yatra, the second batch of devotees left for Baltal and Pahalgam base camps in the wee hours of Monday. A total of 4417 passengers were on board the train which left early Monday morning. There are 3495 men, 842 women, 31 children, and 50 sadhus. According to a senior Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officer, two batches of 4417 passengers have been rushed to Amarnath for Amarnath Yatra amid tight security.
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He said the first batch left the Jammu Base Camp at around 3:30 a.m. on Monday for Baltal Base Camp. This includes a total of 1617 passengers. There are 1174 men, 379 women, 15 children, 48 male sadhus, and one female sadhu. The second batch left the Jammu Base Camp on Monday for Pahalgam Base Camp.
The team has been rushed to the city at 4:15 a.m. with tight security. This includes 2321 men, 463 women, and 16 children. According to a senior official on Amarnath Yatra, after reaching Pahalgam and Balkot base camps, the devotees will begin their journey on foot tomorrow morning. The visit will conclude on August 15.
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