Serve less fatty Bake Aloo Tikki to your guest
Serve less fatty Bake Aloo Tikki to your guest

Today we are going to tell you the method of making the most popular dish aloo tiki chaat of North India.

Ingredients: 8 to 9 boiled potatoes, 3-4 tablespoon oil, 2-3 tablespoons green coriander, 3 tablespoon corn flour, 2 green chilies finely chopped, salt to taste 1 bowl curd to serve, Green Coriander Chutney, Tamarind Sweet Chutney, 1-2 teaspoons roasted cumin powder, 1 teaspoon red chilli powder, 1 -2 teaspoon black salt, half bowl of gram flour will be needed.

Method: Peel the boiled potatoes and grate it, add finely chopped green chillies, salt, finely chopped coriander and corn flour and knead all the ingredients thoroughly and mix them like flour.

Mixture is ready for tikki. Now heat the pan and add oil and put aloo tikki in a pan and bake on both sides. Take out the tikki in a plate, add a little bit of curd, a little bit of sweet chutney, some green coriander sauce and sprinkle a little bit of roasted cumin powder, black salt, red chilli powder and gram flour and serve the tikki.

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