Akola: A shocking incident has come to light in Vivra village of Akola, Maharashtra. After the death of a person here, the body was being taken to the crematorium for the last rites. Due to this, suddenly the 'corpse' became alive. Everyone was surprised to see this scene. The police are currently investigating the case.
Prashant Mesre, 25, of Vivra village in Akola, is a home guard. He had returned from the hospital after treatment. It is being told that the man died after this. Mourning spread in his family. Prashant's family members were taking the body to the crematorium for the last rites. Suddenly, the breath of the 'corpse' tied to the bamboo ladder started moving. People were shocked to see this. The man's parents took him to the temple, where the man came alive. Tantrik Deepak Borle claimed that it was a miracle of the god.
In this incident, the parents of the young man who claimed that the man was alive are not ready to say anything openly in front of the camera. Regarding this incident, the villagers said that it is a misleading and blind faith-like incident. The people of the village are scared. The administration should investigate it and take action. After the incident, the police immediately called the youth, his parents and Tantrik to the police station. They were let off after questioning. Police said that the investigation is going on in this case. Action will be taken on the basis of facts. Akola Additional SP Monika Rawat said, "The Mesre family, including the Tantrik, was called for questioning. He has been questioned and released. The incident is being investigated, action will be taken on the basis of whatever facts come out."
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