Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said on Friday "After the all-party meeting against the state-wide lockdown, the state government has decided not to take such a step at present". In a meeting with the media on Friday evening after a planned meeting to decide whether the Corona lockdown will be implemented, the CM said: "Representatives of different political parties opposed the complete lockdown".
CM Vijayan said "There are two views on lockdown. Some experts want the lockdown to be implemented completely, while others want the current rules to be strictly followed." In this case, he further said, "In the all-party meeting, I have put the whole thing in front of everyone. They are not in favour of complete lockdown. The existing rules should be tightened."
CM further said "The general idea was to increase the surveillance in the areas where more cases are coming. At least this week there will be no lockdown as fewer cases of Covid-19 have been reported on Friday, compared to the previous two days. If the situation arises, a decision will be taken regarding the complete lockdown. Cases of corona infection are increasing rapidly in the country. So far, more than 13 lakh cases of corona have been reported in India and 31 thousand more have lost their lives."
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