Twitter stops the controversial tweet of Prashant Bhushan
Twitter stops the controversial tweet of Prashant Bhushan

New Delhi: Twitter has stopped the objectionable tweet of Prashant Bhushan, senior advocate of the country 's highest court. Twitter has taken this step after contempt proceedings by the apex court regarding this tweet. In fact, the apex court had taken suo motu cognizance of a tweet by Prashant Bhushan a few days ago and considered it contempt of court, although the court did not give any official order to Twitter to remove or stop it.

Last week, the top court questioned the Twitter lawyer as to why this contemptuous tweet has not been blocked. The Twitter lawyer had then argued that without a court order, Twitter could not block the tweet, although at that time Twitter had agreed that it must advise its client for this. Now Twitter has stopped this tweet of Prashant Bhushan.

In this case, senior advocate Sanjay Hegde said that according to the common law, a court order is necessary to withdraw any information that has gone public. But in the contempt law, the court orders the alleged contempt to withdraw his statement and express his regret. It seems that Twitter has decided to do the same.

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