Rapid response team will look after home quarantined people
Rapid response team will look after home quarantined people

In Dehradun district, the rapid response team of people quarantined will know the condition of every day. Along with this, teams have been formed in blocks and bodies in the district. After knowing the condition of the people, these teams will send a report to the concerned hospital and administration. With this, District Magistrate Dr Ashish Kumar Srivastava informed that the Covid 19 Response Team was formed in the past. Under this, all information is being exchanged. But, meanwhile, it was seen that those who were home quarantined are not cooperating with doctors over the phone.

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There will be a team of two members in the development block. what is their condition in this daily report is not available. Teams of three members are being formed in the Nagar Palika Parishad and five in the Municipal Corporation.

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Each day these teams will know the condition of people who have been home quarantined in their respective areas and will report it to the administration and medical team. So, in the coming time, any situation can be dealt with and help in the ongoing fight with Korana virus. Apart from this, these teams will also compile the information received from LIU and Police. For this, District Planning Officer Pravin Goswami is appointed as the Nodal Officer.

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