Has the govt. changed objectives from demonetization to cash-less?
Has the govt. changed objectives from demonetization to cash-less?

The relation between demonetization and less-cash:

Many of the opposition leaders are criticizing the Modi govt. that "In the beginning, the govt. was showing that the 'De-monetization' is their big move and now, when people are highly harrassed and disappointed, then they are calling cashless as their crusade against black money. It means they changed the destination in the middle of journey."

But, when we examine this issue, we find that there is very close relation between the stroke of demonetization and endeavour towards less-cash economy. Demonetization is a short term event, as its process is of only 2 months, the hardship and other severe problems will last within a year and few long sustaining bad effacts like 'Deflation' would also not extend for more than 2 years. Whereas, the mission of Less Cash Economy is an endeavour for establishing a very long running alternative system of transactions among people.

The timing of moving towards Less Cash:

The timing of emphasizing over less cash transactions is also a well thought decision. Since, just after demonetization when there occured scarcity of cash, people paid more attention towards alternative ways of transaction and adopted the digital or cashless methods eagerly. The same inputs and efforts of govt. towards less-cash, would not have given such good boost to these digital means. Hence, the criticism of opposition is not reasonable and the govt. has neither changed its objectives nor the course of action.

How bright would be the outcome:

Government is presenting its whole endeavour as it will also change our life-style and ethos i.e. the society will become more honest and etghical if the less cash culture will get promoted. It may sound like an exaggaration or glorification. But it has substantial weight and it is sure that the less-cash system will affect our society positively as it will enhance transparency. The actual extent of improvement can't be judged at this stage. 

* Hariprakash 'Visat'

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