5609 fresh corona case reported in India, 132 lost their lives in last 24 hours
5609 fresh corona case reported in India, 132 lost their lives in last 24 hours

New Delhi: The number of coronavirus infected in the country has exceeded one lakh 12 thousand. According to the update released by the Ministry of Health on Thursday, now the total number of patients is 1 lakh 12 thousand 359. Out of this, 3435 people have died. It is a matter of relief that the number of those who beat Corona is increasing rapidly. So far, 45 thousand 299 people have been cured of this disease.

Within the last 24 hours, 5609 new cases have been registered and 132 people have lost their lives. For the last few days, the number of patients is crossing 5 thousand per day. On Wednesday also 5611 new cases were registered and 140 people died. At present, there are 63 thousand 624 active cases in the country.

Virus infection is spreading rapidly in Tamil Nadu after Maharashtra and Gujarat. Maharashtra has the highest number of 39 thousand 297 cases. There are 2250 new cases here in 24 hours. There are a total of 12 thousand 539 cases in Gujarat, 398 cases have been reported in 24 hours and in Tamil Nadu more than 13 thousand 191 cases have been registered in Gujarat, 743 new cases were reported in 24 hours.

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