Bomb threats shake Delhi hospitals: Search operations in progress
Bomb threats shake Delhi hospitals: Search operations in progress

Several top hospitals in Delhi, including Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital, GTB Hospital, Dada Dev Hospital, and Hedgewar Hospital, received alarming bomb threats via email. The Delhi Fire Service confirmed that search operations are currently underway.

On Sunday, May 11, a total of twenty hospitals in Delhi, along with the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI) and the Northern Railways' CPRO office, were targeted by bomb threats via email. This comes just 11 days after over 150 schools in Delhi-NCR faced similar threats, sparking widespread panic among residents.

Authorities revealed that the threats to schools were traced back to a Russia-based mailing service, while those targeting hospitals and other facilities originated from an Europe-based company named ''. The emails warned of explosive devices planted inside the buildings and demanded immediate action to disarm the bombs, claiming potential harm to innocent lives. The sender identified themselves as part of a group called 'Court'.

Officials suspect that the emails were sent using virtual private networks (VPNs) or proxy servers to conceal the sender's IP address, complicating efforts to trace their origin. The Delhi Police Special Cell is gearing up to launch an investigation and file an FIR in response to the threats.

Despite intensified security measures, including increased police presence and thorough searches, no suspicious items have been discovered at any of the targeted locations so far. Deputy Commissioner of Police Usha Rangnani assured the public of legal action and enhanced security protocols at the IGI Airport.

In the aftermath of the bomb scares, security has been ramped up at all hospitals in the city, with additional police forces deployed at the airport. However, no credible threats have been identified as of yet.

Prompting a swift response from authorities, bomb disposal squads and canine units have been dispatched to the affected locations. Despite extensive searches, no evidence of explosives has been found.

Officials from targeted hospitals, including GTB Hospital and Burari Hospital, confirmed receiving the threatening emails but emphasized that the situation remained under control, with no disruptions to their operations.

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi reassured the public that hospitals are well-prepared to handle emergencies, with heightened security measures in place and staff instructed to remain vigilant.

This latest incident raises concerns about the security of public institutions following similar threats to schools earlier in the month. Authorities have stressed the importance of bolstering security measures and closely monitoring communications to prevent future incidents.

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