Children's missing day 2018: Every child deserve a beautiful childhood
Children's missing day 2018: Every child deserve a beautiful childhood

We live in our homes happily and therefore sometimes we fail to understand that there are people in this world who just go missing, the worst part is that children go missing at the time that they should be enjoying their childhood playing games.

The reason may be whatever, they either run away from their homes, get abducted, kidnapped for child racketing, labour and torture.

While a few of them are tracked by police and come back home but there are a lot of them who go missing and never come back.

We are grown ups and it is also our responsibility to put every child in their respective houses as a member of the society.

On may, 25th 1979, six years old Etan Patz went missing from his home, a resident of new york.

Therefore this day is considered as Children’s day to create awareness of all the children who are not a part of their homes anymore.  

Much non-governmental organisation work for the welfare of children who have been sexually tortured, taken for child labour and the children who are lost.

It is our moral duty to understand the need of the hour that every child deserves their childhood and 

the need to live in a house surrounded by their family.

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