Corona snatches Chandro Tomar popularly known as Shooter Grandma
Corona snatches Chandro Tomar popularly known as Shooter Grandma

New Delhi: Corona has created terror all over the world. Meanwhile, sad news has surfaced in which corona-infected shooter Dadi Chandro Tomar died of the corona. She was recently found to be infected with corona. Shooter Dadi Chandro Tomar is known for his unique and powerful firing in the same country today once again the record coronavirus infection 3.86 lakh new cases have been reported.

3,498 persons died in a day on Thursday. The number of active cases in the country has gone up to 31,70,228. Maharashtra recorded the highest number of 66,159 new cases and 771 deaths. This was followed by a record 38,607 new cases in Kerala, 35,156 in Uttar Pradesh, 35,024 in Karnataka, and 24,235 in the capital Delhi. Delhi recorded a record of 395 deaths yesterday. The Central Government issued a new order to prevent infection, emphasizing making states a concentration zone at the local level. The Home Ministry has not said anything about imposing lockdown in the country.

On the issue of vaccination of people above the age of 18 years from May 1, many states said that it will not start on time as they do not have enough vaccine. More than 15 crore vaccine doses have been administered in the country so far. More than 2.58 crore people have been given both doses of vaccine. Oxygen cylinders are being refilled free of cost at the Mahavir Temple complex in Patna. He said his goal is to provide oxygen cylinders to 150 people per day.

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