Corona wreaks havoc in Dhar, 3 new Corona cases reported
Corona wreaks havoc in Dhar, 3 new Corona cases reported

In many districts of Madhya Pradesh, Corona has spread rapidly. At the same time, the number of corona patients in Dhar district is increasing rapidly. Three new Corona positives have been found in the district, with this the number of patients has increased to 39. Here a patient has also died due to corona virus. Dr. RC Panika, Chief Medical and Health Officer has confirmed this. Earlier on Sunday, 23 reports came negative. However, a large number of reports are yet to come, which are increasing people's heartbeat. The Health Department says that the reports that have just been received are negative.

Here the delay of the report is impacting the sampling. The sampling of suspicious people is constantly decreasing. There were more than 6 samples on Sunday. At the same time, changes are being made in the district hospital regarding the corona. Now there is a plan to impose OPD of other diseases in Emergency OPD. So that the patient has only one way of coming and from there he can be sent to the respective place. At the same time, the duty of other doctors will be imposed in the emergency.

For your information, let us tell you that the biggest threat to Corona is due to its sampling. Many times a staff infection occurs during sampling. In such a situation, a big step has been taken to reduce the possibility of infection and to secure the doctors and staff. Now the suspects will be sampled with a glass cabin. The cabin is ready for this, but due to some technical problems in it, there will be a change in the design. After this, the process of sampling from the new cabin will begin. There will be a distance of the glass wall between the suspect and the doctor. The suspect will go away. Also there will be gulls in the cabin. With this, doctors can now be said to be completely safe during sampling. However the design that has just arrived. There is some technical problem in this. Therefore it will be used as a disc cabin of the PPE kit. A new glass cabin will be ready in two days. This will result in complete safe sampling.

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