Footballer-Cop-Law Graduate Fahad Mousa Ali extends his portfolio as he turns to singing
Footballer-Cop-Law Graduate Fahad Mousa Ali extends his portfolio as he turns to singing

The UAE-based footballer Fahad Mousa Ali has been a multi-tasker all his life. He never has been satisfied with just one thing, especially when it comes to his profession. He likes to diversify his portfolio as much as he can. 

He earned a bachelor’s degree in business management, but his heart wanted to serve his country so instead of taking up a corporate job, Fahad started his professional career as a footballer with a top football club in the UAE. But when he was at a very high point as a footballer, he decided to spice things up and he joined the Abu Dhabi police force serving as a police officer. But that too wasn’t enough for him. 

Recently, he completed his Master’s in Professional Law degree and now he has dabbled into another field as he turns a singer. Ask him what prompted this move since he has been juggling so many roles already and he replies, “I like to challenge myself every day. I don’t find it fun if I don’t push myself each day and try my hand at something new. So, this was another challenge that I decided to take upon.”

But why music? “Music has always been a big part of my life. From being a stress buster to a staple in my everyday life, music has always been a companion. I always had an inclination towards singing and when the opportunity came, I just grabbed it with both hands. Now what’s left is to see how the reception is to the music that I have made,” he says, promising to reveal the details of his music debut soon.

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