Give your all worries of weight reduction to Yoga
Give your all worries of weight reduction to Yoga

Yoga for Weight Reduction

Unnecessary fat is the house of disease. The chances of illness and sickness of body increase with rise of fat in the body. But it become quite normal in the rush and buried world, our lifestyle become so hectic that it doesn’t allow us to live in a healthy way. So, yes you are not alone who is frustrating from weight issue.

No matter how many times we actually think that ‘I am going to follow proper and balance diet’ and stop saying yes to junk and oily food but our workloads and hectic lifestyle do not let us live in a healthy way and our crave for junk and unhealthy food led us to unhealthy body.

If you are feeling seek to see body getting fatter day by day then it’s high time to think for your health and yourself. There are numerous ways of losing weight or burning unnecessary calories like running, swimming, cycling, hiking, skipping and gyming but most people don’t like to sweat it out. So for those people there is a Yoga asanas which refers to effective way to live in a healthy way. From the ancient time yoga have been considered as an efficient and adequate form of exercise which led to healthy and stress free life.

One can control the body and reduce weight by adopting some easy yoga asanas. Losing weight and being in a well shape body also build self confidence in one self and it also helpful to experience mental peace.

Yoga can help you loose weight by:

  1. Activate the liver.
  2. Stimulates the thyroid gland.
  3. Make perfect balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous system.
  4. Stimulate internal heat.
  5. Activate muscles strength.
  6. Get the heart rate up and proper blood circulation in body.

 Here are some asanas which help you to stay in well shape body and rescue your health from illness:

  1. Yoga Warrior Pose (Veerabhadrasana):

This asana is the best for beginners and for those who is suffer from back problem. This pose will help you to get tone arms, shoulder, thigh, and back muscles all at the same time. Just need to this help to increase your stamina and also beneficial for those who follow 4 steps:

  • Stand straight with your legs apart.
  • Now bring your hand up above your head and stretch them, clasp both hand together in Namaste and turn your toes to the right side.
  • Your knee should bend slightly while trying to stretch your abdominal muscles as much as you can.
  • Now close your eyes and count 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you done with your right leg now follow the same with your left leg and repeat it to 2-3 times.

        2. Yoga Warrior Pose 2:

If you want to have flat tummy and tone thighs Warrior Pose 2 is one of the most effective asana that open up the hips, strengthens and tone the thighs. It also help in energizing the strained limbs ad aid to enhance stamina and concentration.

  • Stand with your legs placed away from another and move your right foot to right side and bent your right knee.
  • Place your hands to two opposite side keeping them parallel to the floor and look to your right.
  • Count for 30 seconds to 1 minute and return to the starting position. And repeat the same for 3-4 times on both sides.

         3.Yoga chair pose (Utkatasana):

This pose really helpful to tone the muscles of the gluts, hips, back and chest along with the ankle and knee muscles. It considered as the best thigh exercise. Also it requires a lot of stamina because the body appears as a chair. And don’t worry if your body pain for couple of days from regular practice the pain will vanish.

  • Stand straight with feet together. And raise your hands above your head and stretch them.
  • Now, slowly bend your knees a little.
  • Now remain the position for 60 seconds while breathing normally for 10-15 times. It might be difficult for the beginners but try to hold it as along as you can

          4. Boat Pose (Navasana)

Well this asana is the one of the most power packed asana which led you to have toned abs. this exercise also called mat exercise for abs. this pose will help you to get flat tummy and also increase your stamina. Just the steps:

  • Sit down on the mat and stretch your leg, make your thighs tight and pull your knees up and toes must be pointed.
  • Now raise your legs up and make a 45 degree angle. Avoid bending your knees.
  • Raise your arm to the shoulder level and your hands should touch knee. Your body should make a V shape just like in a given picture.

         5.Yoga Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha konasana):

This asana is the very simple and effective at a same time. It can be performing to loss weight perfectly by newbies as well. This exercise will help you to tone lower body part and activate abdominal muscles and stretching inner thighs, knees, and groin. Apart from the physic it also gives you mental peace and eradicates asthma, infertility, anxiety, and depression. All you need to follow these steps

  • Sit down with your spine straight.
  • Your knees should be bent, and sole of your feet facing each other.
  • Now, press the soles together and hold this pose for 1-2 minute.

      - Harshita Chhetri




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