How to reduce hair fall by doing 30 minutes yoga?
How to reduce hair fall by doing 30 minutes yoga?

Yoga to reduce Hair fall

Every women care about her hair after all it’s the first thing that to be seen when we take a glance at anyone’s face. Especially, for women hair is something which is unquestionable and why not, after all hair is the pride of the women. Hair directly reflects in once self-esteem in their mood and even the self confidence.

The hair reverse sensuality shows different personality, creative identity, and individual personality. But it’s really stressing when thickness of your hair start reducing and when this heart breaking conditions come then it’s time to pay some serious attention.

Reasons of hair fall:

  • Taking too much tension or stress
  • Increasing age
  • Medication
  • Unnecessary usage of chemical product on your hair.
  • Genetics
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Styling or heat treatment

All the people who stressed out of hair falling just worry not because this is where yoga can help you to come out from the fight between hair and comb. Because yoga can help excessively you to get back your lost hair. From very long time yoga is the effective option to prevent hair loss and get long thick hair just by adopting some asanas of yoga.

You just need to take care of your health and neglect unhealthy lifestyle with daily practice of asanas and meditation and you can deal with hair fall issue a lot more easily.

Check out five easy effective asanas or exercise:

1. Rubbing nails (Balayam Yoga)

Baba Ramdev have invented this asana. This is the easiest exercise which you can do sitting or standing, any where or any time, this asana also help to prevent premature graying of hair hand cure dandruff. You can practice this asana in just 3 simple steps.

  • You just have to coil your fingers of both hands inwards towards your palm just like in the given picture.
  • Bring the nails of both your hand in contact with each other.
  • Start rubbing it for 5 to 7 minutes.

2. Stand forward bend pose (Uttanasana)

This asana help you to grow your hair better because when you bend down and hanging below your heart the blood circulation reach to your scalp and that leads to a proper hair growth and also it will cure your all anxiety and tension which is the basic reason for hair fall.

You can practice this asana in just 4 simple steps, follow as:

  • Stand straight with your legs adjoin to another touching your          knees, heels, feet, toes.
  • While standing lift your hands up and bend forward then touch the floor with your fingers and hands. If possible bring your hands behind your feet.
  • Hold on this position and breathe normal.
  • If you find to come back from this pose just stand back straight

3. Rabbit pose (Sasangasana)

Same in this asana because the crown is on the ground the blood circulation flows to the head and reach’s to the scalp and that led to the healthy hair. In just 5 simple practices:

  • Sit on your knees on the floor and hips on your heels in Balasana pose (child pose).
  • Now, hold your heels by tour hand.
  • Touch the floor by the crow of your head and lift up your hips.
  • Hold on to this position and breathes at least 5 times.
  • Get back slowly to the child pose. Relax and repeat again.

4. Diamond pose (Vajrasana)

This asana help you to stay calm release the stress which is the basic cause the of the hair loss. Practice this asana with 5 easy steps as follow:

  •  Sit on floor keeping your spine erect and with stretched legs. Your heels should be together.
  • Put your hand besides your palms facing the ground
  • Now, coil your both leg first left and then right respectively under your thighs.
  • Now, place your hands on your upper thighs.
  • Remain in a relaxed position and breathe in and out deeply. And when it’s done get back to your original pose with stretched legs.

5.  Downward Dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This asana help you to grow your hair faster and healthier. In this exercise help to circulate the blood in the body from your head to toe and touches the head scalp which improve your hair growth and prevent hair loss.

For this exercise go for this easy 4 steps:

  • Go down on the floor facing the floor and keep your hands perpendicular to your shoulders and your knees perpendicular with your hips.
  • Now, push your hip up standing on your toes with straighten your legs too, just like in a given picture.
  • Straighten your spin while pressing your palm to the ground.
  • To get back from the pose, gently put down your hip and get back to your first step.

Yoga exercise with proper diet chart is like a cherry on the cake, so follow some easy diet chart like:

  1. Add Vitamin ‘C’ and Vitamin ‘E’ rich foods to your diet for preventing hair loss.
  2. Take as much Protein rich food. Lack of protein may cause hair fall.
  3. Add green veges, egg, milk, fruits on your daily diet. It will not only help you to prevent hair loss but also for good health and glowing skin.

        - Harshita Chhetri

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