Bangalore: Following the Karnataka High Court's decision on Hijab, students of Surpura Taluk Kembavi Government PU College have boycotted classes. Let us tell you that a test was kept for the preparation of the examination of these students. But, as soon as he heard the High Court's decision, he boycotted the class in protest.
According to the report, the examination of these girl students was to be held from 10 am to 1 pm, meanwhile the girl students protested. These girl students say that now they will talk to their parents. Only then will she decide whether to attend classes without wearing a hijab. The girl students who boycotted the class said that we will give the exam only by wearing hijab. If they ask us to remove the hijab, we will not take the test.
Muslim Personal Law Board welcomed the court's decision :-
At the same time, Shaista Amber, a member of the All India Muslim Women Personal Law Board, has welcomed the decision of the High Court on the demand for hijab. Regarding the decision of the High Court, he said that if educational institutions make such a rule, then we will have to follow it. It is true that hijab is not a necessary part of Islam. Women are told to live decently in Islam.
Munawwar Rana's daughter's statement about court's verdict on hijab row
Arif Mohammed's big statement on K'taka HC verdict, said- Hijab mentioned 7 times in Quran, but...
'Pain of Kashmiri Hindus is the pain of Mother India', Keshav Prasad Maurya