RAJGARH: In a devastating incident late Sunday night, thirteen people lost their lives and fifteen others were injured when a tractor-trailer overturned near the Rajasthan-Rajgarh border in Madhya Pradesh. The victims were on their way to a wedding in Rajasthan when the accident occurred. Among the injured, two are reported to be in critical condition.
Details of the Incident
According to Rajgarh Collector Harsh Dikshit, "Some people from Rajasthan were traveling to attend a wedding on a tractor. Near the Rajasthan-Rajgarh border, the tractor overturned, resulting in the death of 13 people and injuring 15 others. Two critically injured individuals have been admitted to the hospital and referred to Bhopal for further treatment. The injured are receiving appropriate care as per government directives."
Condolences from the President
President Droupadi Murmu expressed her sorrow over the tragic accident. She conveyed her heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and wished for the speedy recovery of those injured. In a message on social media, she stated, "The news of the death of many people in a road accident in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh is very sad. I express my deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and pray for the speedy recovery of the injured."
State Government's Response
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Singh announced that his Cabinet colleague, Narayan Singh Panwar, along with the Rajgarh Collector and the Superintendent of Police, rushed to the accident site to oversee the situation. He also mentioned that the state government is coordinating with the Rajasthan government, and the Rajasthan Police have arrived at the scene to assist.
In his message, Chief Minister Singh said, "The untimely death of 13 people from the Jhalawar district of Rajasthan due to the overturning of a tractor-trailer on Piplodi Road in Rajgarh district is extremely sad. Cabinet colleague Narayan Singh Panwar, along with the Collector and SP Rajgarh, are present at the spot. We are in touch with the Rajasthan government, and the Rajasthan Police have also reached the spot."
Treatment and Support for the Injured
Chief Minister Singh further mentioned that the injured are being treated at the District Hospital in Rajgarh, with some seriously injured patients referred to Bhopal. "My deepest condolences are with the bereaved families. I pray for the speedy recovery of the injured," he added.
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