Monsoon Approaching Delhi?: National Capital on Orange Alert for Heatwave, Rains Expected Soon
Monsoon Approaching Delhi?: National Capital on Orange Alert for Heatwave, Rains Expected Soon

NEW DELHI: As Northern India awaits the arrival of the monsoon season, there's anticipation for relief from the scorching heatwaves. Meanwhile, several southern and northeastern states have already been experiencing continuous rain due to an early onset of the Southwest monsoon.

This year, states like Maharashtra and Kerala witnessed monsoon rains earlier than predicted. Rain showers have already been observed in Kerala, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and West Bengal.

Monsoon Impact Forecast:

According to the latest weather report from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) dated June 14, the Southwest monsoon is expected to progress in Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bihar in the next four days.

Weather Conditions:

The IMD has issued an orange alert for heatwave conditions in Delhi until June 18, after which conditions are expected to improve with a yellow alert. During this period, the maximum temperature in the national capital is expected to reach around 45 degrees Celsius, which is five degrees above the normal temperature. Meanwhile, the minimum temperature will settle at 31 degrees Celsius, two notches above the normal.

The IMD's forecast for June 15 predicts a partly cloudy sky with the possibility of thunderstorms or lightning accompanied by drizzle in one or two places in the afternoon or evening. Heatwave conditions are also expected in many areas, with dust-raising gusty winds reaching speeds of 40-50 kmph during the day.

As Delhi prepares to endure the heatwave over the next few days, residents can look forward to the monsoon's arrival, which is expected to bring relief from the intense summer heat.

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