Women stripped and beaten, video of Rajasthan incident goes viral
Women stripped and beaten, video of Rajasthan incident goes viral

Jaipur: A video from the Bharatpur district of Rajasthan is going viral. In which some people are seen entering a house and beating up women and the elderly. In the video, it is clearly seen that the women are being beaten fiercely. CCTV footage of the incident is going viral on social media. 

The case pertains to Nagla village of Bilauti under the Chiksana police station area. It is being told that there was a dispute between the two sides of the village here for a long time. Gradually, the matter escalated to such an extent that they started beating. It is alleged that a woman was stripped naked and brutally beaten up in this incident. The victim's family lodged a complaint with the police. The victim, Sahdev Gurjar, told the police that he had gone to work. In the meantime, the neighbours from behind attacked them. The women were beaten mercilessly and stripped naked. In which a woman in the house was greatly hurt. Who has been admitted to the hospital for the treatment.

Deputy District Superintendent of Police Satish Verma said that a video had gone viral. In which women were being assaulted. In this, the police had lodged a complaint against the people who assaulted them. The other side also filed a complaint. The entire matter has been investigated and action is being taken. 

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