Supreme Court's decision,"Sex worker can't allege rape if refused to pay"
Supreme Court's decision,

The top level judiciary “Superme Court” has ruled a case in which three people were accused of rape charges has acquitted.

According to the Pinaki Chandra Ghose and Amitava Roy from the bench have said that, “proof by woman who has alleged rape be taken seriously but it should not be taken as gospel truth."The evidence of prosecutrix must be examined as that of an injured witness whose presence at the spot is probable but it can never be presumed that her statement should always, without exception, be taken as gospel truth,"

Backing 20 years ago, than a woman filed a case against three men who kidnapped and raped her.As, the women’s roommate meanwhile gave away that she was working as a sex worker after her day job as a maid and just because the man did not pay her she charged a suit against them.

Bench further added that, “Her vengeful attitude in the facts and circumstances, as disclosed by her, if true, demonstrably evinces a conduct manifested by a feeling of frustration stoked by an intense feeling of deprivation of something expected, desired or promised."

Kangana captured herself boldly with GQ;must see !

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