This is how cabbage cheese ball is made
This is how cabbage cheese ball is made

Children often pretend to eat cabbage; in such a situation, you can feed them by making healthy cabbage cheese. So let's see how it is made.

Parmesan cheese, grated 2
Mozzarella cheese cubes, chopped 100
Broccoli or cauliflower, finely chopped
potato, boiled and peeled 2
red chilli flakes
crushed black pepper as per taste Salt to taste.
1 tbsp +
Garlic cloves, chopped
Onion, chopped for frying
Maida 1/2 (half)
Bread Crum: 1/2 (half)

Method: Grate the potatoes and put them in a big mixing bowl. Add red chilli flakes, crushed black pepper, salt, and parmesan cheese to it and mix well. To make the broccoli mixture, heat oil in a nonstick pan, add garlic, and fry it for a minute or until the garlic turns brown.

Add an onion and a pinch of salt to it and fry till the onion turns light brown. Then add the broccoli, lower the flame, and cook for 1-2 minutes. Take it off the heat. Mix the broccoli mixture well with the potato mixture. Divide the mixture into equal portions, stuff a cube of mozzarella cheese in the centre of each portion, press the edges to seal, and make medium-sized balls.

Make a thin batter by mixing all-purpose flour with water as required. Dip the balls in the batter and keep them wrapped in breadcrumbs. Heat the oil as required in a pan, put the prepared balls in it, and fry them till they turn golden. Take it out of the oil and keep it on absorbent paper. Serve hot

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