elephant calves fight for the tasty branch, watch video here
elephant calves fight for the tasty branch, watch video here

Funny videos are often viral on social media. A video related to elephant children is going viral. Actually, the video of the fight between three children of elephants on food is making the audience laugh. This video has been shared by Sheldrick Wildlife from his Twitter handle. In this video, it is seen that three children of an elephant fight among themselves to eat a tree branch.

This 37-second video shared by Sheldrick Wildlife has been views above than 4 thousand. Elephant names are mentioned in the caption of this funny video posted and those names are Maisha, Laro, and Roho. Maisha, Roho, and Laro are caught fighting over a green sapling. It is seen in this video that Maisha gave Roho a hold on the branch, but Laro did not like it and both are fighting over this. The three children grab each other's nose and pull their trunk fiercely, thus pulling the branch too. But everything settles out in no time. After fighting amongst themselves, Masha, Roho, and Laro divide the green twig within themselves.

In the caption of this video, Sheldrick wrote that 'Maisha could have given this delicious branch to Roho. But Laro was not going to give up so easily. After this, the fight started Their quarrel ended with a beloved hug. 'Interesting comments from Twitter users are also coming on this viral video.

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