Will India to adopt herd immunity to defeat corona?
Will India to adopt herd immunity to defeat corona?

Many states have given relaxation in various activities in Lockdown 3 to compensate for their economic loss. Even after this, the government is going to resume rail services from May 12, moving forward a few steps. Parks are being opened in Delhi. This raises the question that the government is not preparing the country for herd immunity. A section of health experts and scholars who suggest measures to deal with the epidemic believe that the country has the only weapon herd immunity to combat the coronavirus.

For your information, let us tell you that translation of herd immunity into Hindi is a collective disease resistance. By the way, the literal translation of herd is herd. According to experts, if the coronavirus is given a limited chance to spread, then it will develop a disease resistance against Kovid-19 at the social level.

From these figures regarding the corona, it cannot be concluded that the lockdown has failed. If there was no lockdown then India would have been in a worse state. A study by the Deemed University International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS) suggests that Kovid-19 may end up with the number of 3 million infected in India. At the same time, if the lockdown was not imposed, then this number would have increased to 1.71 crores. This indicates that lockdown was the necessary strategy for India. Although this is not the solution. The number of cases during the lockdown has been continuously increasing. However, during this period, the central and state governments have increased their capacities considerably.

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