Dead father replied to messages after four years of demise, daughter shocked
Dead father replied to messages after four years of demise, daughter shocked

A weird incident came to light. A woman living in Arkansas in America. She lost her father four years ago, but she used to send him a message every day on his mobile number to remember him. The woman kept doing this for four years, after which one day suddenly she got an answer from her father's mobile number, which she was also surprised to see.

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On October 24, 23-year-old Chastity was Patterson's father's fourth anniversary. Like every day, she messaged the mobile number of his deceased father that day. In the message, she wrote, 'Hello Dad, this is me. Tomorrow is going to be very difficult again. It's been four years since I lost you, but not a single day goes by when I don't remember you. Forgive me, because I was not there for you when you needed me the most. 'Chastity sent a very long message to his father, in which she also mentioned her graduation and recovery from cancer. But like every time, this time too she got no reply would come and then his message was reprinted from his dead father's number, which was very surprising and emotional.

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The reply of Chastity's message, it was written, 'Hi Sweetheart, I am not your father, but I received all the messages you sent in the last four years. My name is Brad and I lost my daughter in a car accident in August 2014. Your sent messages keep me alive. Whenever you message, I think it is a message sent by God. Brad further wrote in his reply message, 'I have been reading your messages for years. I've seen you moving forward. I wanted to reply to your message years ago, but I did not want to break your heart. You are an extraordinary woman and I hope if I had a daughter today she would be exactly like you. Thank you for providing updates every day.

Chastity herself has shared screenshots of her message and Brad's reply message on Facebook. So far, two lakh 84 thousand people have shared this post done on October 25, while one and a half lakh people have liked it. Many people have read Chastity's post and have advised Chastity to move forward with courage.

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