A journey of peace 'International Yoga Day' !
A journey of peace 'International Yoga Day' !

“Yoga is the unifying art of transforming dharma into action, be it through inspired thought, properly nurturing our children, a painting, a kindness or an act of peace that forever moves humanity forward. "

Yoga, it is not just about exercise today on the International Yoga Day, but for your whole life, while Yoga not only to fit and exercise it gives tremendous mental peace, outstanding physics and lovely spiritual energy. Yoga is particular to one; it includes religion, philosophy and practices.

From past two years we celebrated the International Yoga day, but it was originated in Vedic Period of Ancient India from the Himalayas of Nepal. The Yoga is founded by Adiyoga, the so called name of Lord Shiva in Yogic culture who dwelt and practiced Yoga for the first time in the Himalayas of Nepal.

The tradition of Yoga now, spread across the world by the effort of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,on 11 December 2014,the 193-member United Nations General Assembly approved by consensus, a resolution establishing 21 June as 'International Day of Yoga'.

The reason to choose 21 June for the International Day of Yoga, Narendra Modi had said, “The date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.

India,in Chandigarh today millions of people across India twisted themselves into multifaceted yoga positions on the celebration of International Yoga Day.PM linked up a crowd of 30,000 school children.

Modi urged people to make yoga a part of their lives, saying the practice which began in ancient India doesn’t differentiate between the rich and poor, and is accessible to all.

“With zero budget yoga provides health assurance and it does not discriminate between rich and poor,” Modi said at the event.

"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." 

~Kajal Thakur

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