Want to enjoy hot bread pakoras in cold, this is the easy way to make it
Want to enjoy hot bread pakoras in cold, this is the easy way to make it

Bread pakoras are the best to eat with hot tea in the winter season. It is quite popular and people enjoy eating it greatly. You all know that it is made using bread and deep-fried in oil. Now today we are going to tell you the ingredients required to make bread pakoras and how to make it.

2 boiled potatoes grated
Green chilli finely chopped
A little coriander leaves finely chopped
A small bread packet
A small piece of ginger grated
1/2 tsp ground red chilli
1/2 cup boiled peas
1 cup gram flour
salt by taste
And a pinch of baking soda

Recipe: For this, first add two teaspoons of oil to the pan and add green chillies, potatoes grated, boiled green peas and all the spices. Add all the spices and cover it for 2 minutes. Now take it out on a plate. Then take the gram flour in a bowl and add a little salt and add a little water and prepare a gram flour solution. Now heat oil to fry in a pan. Then add baking soda to the gram flour solution and turn it around. Then cut the bread into two pieces and fill one bread with potato masala and place the other bread on top of it. Now put it in a gram flour solution and remove it, and put it in a pan to fry. Keep the embroidery in mind on medium heat. Now when the pakoras are golden in colour, take them out in a plate and fry all the pakoras in the same way.

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