brother married his sister
brother married his sister

Firozabad : A shocking incident has come to light from Tundla town of Firozabad, UP. Where in the CM mass marriage ceremony, a married brother married his cousin. It is being said that in the greed of some money and dowry, the brother married his cousin. After the matter came to the fore, the police registered a case and started investigation. Notice has been given to the officers who verify the bride and groom for marriage. Let us tell you, 51 couples were married in Narkhi town of Tundla block of Firozabad. Dowry items and some money were also given by the government to the newly married couples.

The pictures of the people who were married in the mass marriage scheme on Saturday reached the people of the area through social media. Then it came to know that Mahendra Singh, the father of two children, married his cousin. Not only this, all the items of dowry and government help were also taken. When the couples are selected by the district administration for the same mass marriage, their Aadhar card, voter card, bank passbook are thoroughly investigated. The couple was also verified by Kushal Pal, Secretary of Gram Panchayat Marasena, Anurag Singh, Secretary of Gram Panchayat Birauli, ADO Cooperative Sudhir Kumar and Chandrabhan Singh of ADO Social Welfare Department.

But even after this the marriage took place. When this incident came to light, the district administration issued notices to all the officers and sought an explanation for this big mistake. On the other hand, Tundla Block Development Officer Naresh Kumar said that a case has been registered against the couple who got married in a fake manner. Apart from this, the goods given by the government in dowry are also being taken back from them. The Aadhaar card submitted by them is also being investigated. At the same time, it has come to the fore in the investigation that both of them did this in the greed of the goods and money received under the scheme. In the marriage ceremony, the videos and pictures of some newly married couples reached the people of the area and the village head, then it was found that the married brother of the relatives had married the sister.

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