Recipe of Chilli Momos, Serve it with red chill sauce and Mayonnaise
Recipe of Chilli Momos, Serve it with red chill sauce and Mayonnaise

Today we are going to share with you the recipe of Chili Momos. 

Necessary ingredients :

Maida - 2 cups
Oil - 1 teaspoon
Salt - (as per taste)
Onion  - 1 cup
Carrot - 1 cup
Beans  - 1/2 cup
Garlic - 2 teaspoons
Ginger - 2 teaspoons
Cabbage - 1 cup
Capsicum - 2 teaspoons
Chili - 1 teaspoon
Chili paste - 2 tsp
Tomato ketchup - 2 teaspoons
Soya sauce - 1 teaspoon

Recipe :

First, take refined flour in a vessel and mix it with oil and salt. After that make the small dough in it. Then in a bowl add onion, carrot, beans, garlic, ginger, cabbage, capsicum, chilli and salt and mix it well. Then take the dough and roll it. Then add the vegetable and close it with the help of pinches. Then close the momos from above so that they do not break. Likewise, make all momos. Then garnish it in a container. Then heat a little water in the cooker and then put the container in it and cover it and cook it for 10 minutes. Then after 10 minutes take out the momos and fry them in some oil. Then add garlic, onion and capsicum to a pan and mix well. Then add chilli paste, tomato sauce and soy sauce in the same pan and fry it. Then add momos in it. Then mix the momos well. And our chilli momos is ready.

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