Terrorists kidnap female sarpanch in Jammu and Kashmir
Terrorists kidnap female sarpanch in Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar: Militants have made a video of a woman sarpanch after kidnapping her from Sopore, Jammu and Kashmir. The name of the female sarpanch is Zahida. In the video, Zahida was called to resign from her post. Police have started an investigation in the case. The terrorists made a video of the woman sarpanch after kidnapping her, in which Zahida has been asked to resign from her post. The vide was released.

This is not the first case in Jammu and Kashmir with Panchs and Sarpanches. A few days ago, in Anantnag district, terrorists shot Kashmiri Pandit Sarpanch to death. The Resistance Front (TRF), an organization associated with terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba, claimed responsibility for the murder and also threatened to carry out more such attacks.

After the recent case came to light, the police officer informed the media that they have started investigating the case and soon the police will arrest the terrorists who caught the woman sarpanch and make a video of her and will bring them behind bars.

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