Ayodhya: Sedition case against students seeking student union elections
Ayodhya: Sedition case against students seeking student union elections

A case of sedition has been registered against 6 people, including students,at KS Saket Degree College in Ayodhya district of Uttar Pradesh. Earlier, the principal of the college had lodged a complaint that these students raised 'anti-national slogans and demanded independence'.

In his police complaint, Principal N D Pandey said that the students had raised ''anti-national'' slogans such as ''Azaadi le ke Rahenge''. He also named the students in his complaint, police said. The students, however, denied the allegations, saying they were demanding freedom' from a corrupt principal and an anti-student system of the college.

Police on December 28 against 6 persons Sumit Tiwari, Shesh Narayan Pandey, Imran Hashmi, Satwik Pandey, Mohit Yadav and Manoj Mishra with sections 124A (sedition), 147 (inciting riot), 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code. Crime has also been registered for obstructing government work. Inspector Ashutosh Mishra of Ayodhya Police Station has told that he is investigating in this case and he said. Everything will be cleared after investigation. We will scan CCTV footage. If something is found wrong then action will be taken accordingly

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